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Gift Card from

I was one of the lucky people that was chosen to receive a $15 Sears Gift Card.  You can surely bet that I was excited for the opportunity. Only a few 'special' members were chosen for this mission and I could not believe that I was one of them. The only problem that I had was 'What to get?' Well the first time I went into Sears I had no idea what to use the card for so I just basically 'eye' shopped. The next time I wandered in & forgot what I went into the store for; it happens when you have 4 children with you including a breast fed baby that decided he wanted his meal early :) One day we "all" went into the store & I had each child bring me a decoration that 'jumped out' at them. Upon careful inspections between the decorations / ornaments brought to me between all of the children and some I chose we voted on which ONE we would get because I thought that would be the best option. We all chose the one that represented us the mos

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